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Springbank Lux
Springbank Lux
- 開車4分鐘到倫敦市中心範圍
- 開車5分鐘到超市Costco
- 開車6分鐘到London火車站
- 開車7分鐘到Western University
- 開車10分鐘上HWY 402
- 開車12分鐘上HWY 401
- 開車15分鐘到Fanshawe College
- 開車20分鐘到倫敦國際機場
- 【名稱】Springbank Lux
- 【地址】464 Springbank Drive, London
- 【發展商】AvranceCorp Development
- 【樓高】9
- 【單位】186
- 【戶型】1至3房
- 【面積】563至1535平方呎
- 【預計入伙時間】2024年12月
- 【會所設施】TBD
- 【售價】40多萬加元起
AvranceCorp Developments is based in Mississauga, Ontario with a solid track record of multiple residential projects through numerous Joint Venture partnerships. The company was established in 2016 and has successfully completed development of contemporary residential projects with a combination of financial, architectural and engineering expertise.
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